How to Do a Layered Curly Cut at Home

Layered Curly Cut at Home

How to Do a Layered Curly Cut at Home

 How to Do a Layered Curly Cut at Home

Curly hair, with its unique texture and personality, requires special attention when it comes to

 haircuts. A layered cut can add dimension, reduce bulk, and beautifully define curls. However

, going to a salon isn't always an option. With the right approach, patience, and tools, you can 

achieve a lovely layered curly cut right at your own home. Follow this guide to get started.

Necessary Tools

- Hair-cutting shears (not regular scissors)

- Hair clips or bands for sectioning

- A wide-tooth comb

- A spray bottle filled with water

- A mirror (and ideally, a hand mirror to see the back)

Steps to a DIY Layered Curly Cut

Start With Dry, Styled Hair

Curly hair should be cut in its natural state. Wash your hair and style it as you normally would. 

This ensures you can accurately gauge the length and how the layers will fall.

Section Your Hair

Dividing your hair into manageable sections makes the cutting process easier. Use clips or 

bands to section off your hair. You might want to separate it into front, back, and side sections.

Determine Your Length

Decide on the length you want for your shortest layer, keeping in mind that curly hair springs up 

when cut. It's better to start longer; you can always trim more if needed.

Begin Cutting

Start cutting from the bottom layers, working your way up. Hold the hair between your fingers to 

tension it slightly, and cut vertically into the ends rather than straight across. This technique, 

called point cutting, can add texture and blend the layers together.

Cut in Layers

To create layers, take a section of hair and lift it from the head at an angle. The more vertical the 

section, the softer the layering will be. Trim the ends using the point-cutting technique. Repeat 

this process throughout your hair, checking the balance and shape as you go.

Perfecting the Front

Frame your face by creating softer or more pronounced layers around the face. These layers 

can start at your chin or lower, depending on your preference. Be conservative with the amount 

you cut, as these pieces will greatly influence the overall look.

Check and Adjust

Use both mirrors to check the back and sides for any uneven sections. It's often helpful to take a 

break, step away for a bit, and then return with fresh eyes for final adjustments.

Tips for Success

Take Your Time: Rushing can lead to mistakes. Set aside ample time for your haircut.

Less is More: You can always cut more, but you can't put it back. Start with longer layers and 

trim as necessary.

Dry Cutting: Cutting curly hair when it’s dry allows you to see the shape and length as you go, 

preventing unwanted surprises.

Practice Technique: If you're new to cutting hair, practice the point-cutting technique with 

scissors on a tissue or an old wig to get the feel for it.

Cutting your own curly hair at home can be a rewarding experience, saving you time and money. 

With careful preparation, the right tools, and a bit of practice, you can achieve beautiful, layered 

curls. Remember, perfection isn't the goal—embracing and enhancing your natural texture is. 

Enjoy your beautifully layered curly haircut, accomplished right in the comfort of your own home!

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